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Recall Details

Porter World Trade Recalls Ron Jon Surf Shop Sippy Cup Due to Violations of Federal Lead Content and Phthalates Bans


Ron Jon Surf Shop Sippy Cup


The plastic characters on the recalled Sippy Cup contain levels of lead that exceed the federal lead content ban and contain levels of a regulated phthalate that exceed the prohibition of specific phthalates. Lead and banned phthalates are toxic if ingested by young children and can cause adverse health issues.

Brand Name:

Porter World Trade

Company Name:

Porter World Trade

Company Announcement:

Company Announcement

Recall Details


This recall involves 13.5-ounce Ron Jon Surf Sippy Cups.  The main body of the cup is either orange, blue, pink, or green.  There is a rubber-like grip material around the cup.  The rubber-like material has images of turtle, crab, fish, boat, and sea grass and the RON JON SURF SHOP design.  The product has UPC number 1082-0405 printed on the bottom of the product.


Consumers should immediately take the recalled Sippy Cup away from children and contact Porter World Trade for instructions on how to return the product for a full refund.


None reported.

Sold At:

Ron Jon Surf Shops in Miami, Sunrise, Medley, Cocoa Beach, Orlando, Tampa and Panama City, Fla.; Myrtle Beach, S.C.; Ship Bottom, N.J.; and Stellarbay store in the Tampa, Fla. International Airport, from May 2014 through March 2020 for about $7.


Yitak Industry Company Limited, of China


Porter World Trade Inc., of Cape Canaveral, Fla.

Manufactured In:


Recall number:


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