Recall Details
dormakaba Recalls Delayed Egress Locks Due to Risk of Entrapment in an Emergency
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Company Announcement
This recall involves dormakaba Delayed Egress Locks with model number DE8310 found on the inside of the wiring cavity cover plate. These locks detect when pressure is applied to a door and are set with a release delay of 15 or 30 seconds. The recalled locks include an internal or external alarm sounder, key switch for reset and override, and a building code sign for single out swinging doors. Delayed egress locks are typically used on perimeter exit doors and internal fire doors to discourage or delay unauthorized exit while providing a safe means of escape during a fire or other catastrophic emergency.
Facilities using the recalled locks should contact the firm for instructions on receiving a free repair of the firmware by a technician.
The firm has received reports of 56 incidents with the recalled locks. No injuries have been reported.
Sold At:
Installed by contractors nationwide from October 2019 through March 2021 for between $1,200 and $1,400.
Shanghai One Top Corporation, of Shanghai, China
dormakaba USA Inc., of Indianapolis, Ind.
Manufactured In:
Recall number:
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